Documents Module
Quality Management: Professional

Documents Module

Aimed at users of the Quality Management: Professional Documents module, this curriculum contains all the courses you need to use the Documents module.

Curriculum content

  • In this course, you will learn how to approve documents in Ideagen Quality Management.   ​10 - 15 mins​ Learning objectives: ü    Access documents requiring your approval ü    View other comments and the changes made to a document ü    Accept or reject a document ü    Add your electronic signature
    • Lesson Approving Documents

  • In this course, you will learn what document control is, and the stages of the  document  lifecycle . ​ 10 - 15 mins ​ Learning objectives: ü Describe what document control is ü Identify reasons why your organisation needs to manage its documents efficiently ü Identify the stages in the lifecycle of a document
  • In this course, you will learn about the document details view to help you understand how a document is managed through it's lifecycle. ​ 15 - 20 mins ​ Learning objectives: ü Describe the purpose of the document’s detail fields ü Access document attachments ü View a document’s change requests, review and revision history, related documents, and associated items
  • In this course, you will learn various methods you can use to find documents in the list view. You will also learn how to access the different document registers. ​ 10 - 15 mins ​ Learning objectives: ü Search  and apply filters to locate specific documents ü Identify each of the document registers and their purpose ü Access the change request register
  • In this course, you will learn how to  acknowledge documents that have been distributed to you.  ​ 10 - 15 mins ​ Learning objectives: ü Access documents you are required to acknowledge ü Acknowledge documents ü Add your electronic signature
  • In this course, you will learn  how to complete document actions assigned to you in Ideagen Quality Management . ​ 10 - 15 mins ​ Learning objectives: ü Access documents you are required to perform actions on ü Complete document actions ü Reopen a completed document action
  • In this course, you will learn how to raise a change request against a document in Ideagen Quality Management. ​ 10 - 15 mins ​ Learning objectives: ü   View existing change requests ü   Add a change request ü   Edit a change request ü   Add an attachment to a change request
  • In this course, you will learn how to assign approvers and a workflow to a draft document, then submit it for approval. ​ 20 - 25 mins ​ Learning objectives: ü Add and remove approvers to a draft document ü Adjust a document workflow ü Submit a document for approval ü Understand the process to follow if someone rejects a document for approval ü Check in / out a document attachment
  • In this course, you will learn how to create draft and active documents. You will also learn how to copy information from an existing document when creating a new one . ​ 20 - 25 mins ​ Learning objectives: ü Identify when to create a draft or active document ü Create new draft and active documents ü Create a new document record based on an existing one ü Attach multiple files to a document record
  • In this course, you will learn how to activate draft and draft approved documents, and distribute them to copyholders. ​ 10 - 15 mins ​ Learning objectives: ü Activate draft or draft approved documents ü Add copyholders to a document record individually or using a template ü Add users to be notified of a document ü Distribute documents
  • In this course, you will learn how to review change requests and create a new revision of a document. ​ 10 - 15 mins ​ Learning objectives: ü Accept and reject change requests ü Create a new revision of a document
  • In this course, you will learn how to schedule and complete a document review in Ideagen Quality Management. ​ 15 - 20 mins ​ Learning objectives: ü Schedule a new document review ü Invite other users to review a document ü Remove users from a scheduled review ü Complete a document review
  • In this course, you will learn how to perform document reviews assigned to you in Ideagen Quality Management. ​ 10 - 15 mins ​ Learning objectives: ü Access documents you are required to perform reviews on ü Perform a document review action ü Add your electronic signature
  • In this course, you will learn how to assign actions to a document, which must be completed before the document is distributed. ​ 10 - 15 mins ​ Learning objectives: ü Move approved documents to the Draft Approved status ü Add an action to a document record ü Edit a document action